Say “Yes” to More Requests
At Worth, we specialize in unusual roofing materials and projects. If you’re a distributor, that makes us an invaluable resource that enables you to facilitate more out-of-the-ordinary customer requests.
Over the years, we’ve found that many distributors set artificial revenue ceilings for themselves when they don’t have to. If someone is looking for a high-end, unusual, or reclaimed material, there’s no reason to turn that request away – at least not until you check with us.
If you’ve got something on your desk that you can’t immediately say yes to, give us 24-36 hours to get you the PDFs, samples, and information you need to complete the sale. Additional revenue streams just don’t get any easier.

Raise Your Income Ceiling
Everybody’s always looking for new ways to generate more income. If you’re a distributor, Worth is your gateway to additional sales. Explore our product lines to discover what solutions you can start offering your customers.